Rust Bit - Folding A Recursive Parser
Using iteration/folds instead of recursion in parsing
Not Tonight - Lacking Edge
An unique error detection game that needs to be more challenging
Children of Morta Switch - A Subpar Experience
A subpar execution of a rogue-like and RPG
Katawa Shoujo - A Visual Novel Gem
A good introduction to visual novels
No More Heroes 1 And 2 - A Good And Bad Game
Playing Suda51's most notable game back-to-back
Rit Journal - Diff Command
Improving the status command with diff
Elixir Bit - Client Websocket
Using websocketex as a client
Elixir Bit - Caching Docker Dependencies
Using mini_repo to cache docker dependencies
Rit Journal - Myers Diff
Chapter 11: Implmenting the Myers Diff algorithm
Elixir Bit - ISO 8601 Duration
How to represent durations for TOML configuration